Week 9

Written Statement Draft: 

'Materiality Guidance'
In ‘Materiality Guidance’, I discover the significance and influence of colour and material on individual and collective human behaviour. My material and colour selection throughout the photoshop process aims to exert a specific atmosphere onto the audience. In the first image, nature dominates the design, establishing a serene and secluded ambience. Contrastingly, my second and third image exhibits a darker yet tranquil experience. The use of light and shadowing can also serve to direct an emotion which is apparent through my pictures. Ultimately, through my experimentation with colour and materiality, I am able to communicate contrasting ambiences successfully and examine my potential design style. 

Chapman, C., n.d. Influence With Design – A Guide To Color And Emotions. [online] Toptal Design. Available at: <https://www.toptal.com/designers/ux/colors-and-emotions> [Accessed 18 April 2020].

Detea. 2018. The Importance Of Colour In Architecture. [online] Available at: <https://www.detea.es/en/the-importance-of-colour-in-architecture/> [Accessed 18 April 2020].

Gremillion, A., 2019. Colors And Emotions: How Colors Make You Feel. [online] 99designs. Available at: <https://99designs.com.au/blog/tips/how-color-impacts-emotions-and-behaviors/> [Accessed 18 April 2020].
